Monday, September 9, 2019

Social position and thinking

The social position and role you are in, decide what you will be thinking, how you will behave, and the perspective of your views and opinions. 

In order to communicate well with others, you must first understand the different roles and social position that you and others have in life, so to be aware of each other’s priorities, values, abilities and concerns. 

If others do not feel that you understand them, why will they be willing to communicate with you about their life? Instead, they will only chat with you out of courtesy, to pass time or to gossip.

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Displacement of anger

This is a society where individuals often displace their anger to the weaker parties. As shifting displeasure away from themselves and the person causing the stress, to a less threatening target, in some situations, seem to be a more “mature” and "safe" thing to do. 

As long as they can vent their angers, nobody will really care about the emotions stress that the weaker parties suffers.  Most will only feel that the weak deserve it, simple because they are weak and in a lower social class, and that this is the law of the human society. 

Therefore, one has to be strong, so that you won’t end up becoming a rubbish bin for the society to throw their anger into.

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Words and actions

A gentle reminder in life. 

Naive and honest individuals believe in a person through his words. Experience and intelligent individuals believe in a person through his actions. 

Actions speak louder than words. 

In life, we should always trust someone with some reserve in our heart. This is to protect ourselves, as it takes a lot of time, interaction and effort to fully understand a person. Fully trusting a person too early will let you end up being hurt by them. 

Don’t put your full trust on someone just because he is smiling, or been sweet talking to you, or been making you feel guilty for not trusting him. Put your full trust only on individuals that had proven themselves through their daily actions. 

Talk is just too cheap to be traded for trust.

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Mistakes in life

If you only make a few mistakes in your life. Then it is either that you are a perfect and intelligent person, or you have yet to experience life to its fullest. 

Mistakes are part of life, when you come into contact with new things and people. 

Never be afraid of these mistakes. Instead, learn from them and you will grow. 

As with mistakes, come experiences which will help you to make wiser decisions in your life ahead. 

And most importantly, never forget about the mistakes you have made, and end up repeating the same mistakes, again and again. Which will only make your life miserable. 

Sometimes, the reason another individuals are more successful than you is not because they are more capable. But because they have made more mistakes than you and they remember the mistakes that they have made in the past, that why each decision they make are more mindful and knowledgeable as compared to yours. 

Treat every mistakes as a learning opportunity, and you will realize all these mistakes can be tackled with relatively easier, due to the passion you have. Be dreadful about them and try to ignore, you will soon realize that all these mistakes will start to pile up to collapse onto you.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ability or confidence?

There are people who are unsuccessful in life because they are not capable. 

And there are also people who are unsuccessful in life because they told themselves that they are not capable. 

Ask yourself, which group of people do you belong to? 

The first group need to learn new skills and gain more experiences in life. 

While the second group just need more confidence and respect for themselves. 

Understand what you truly need and you will be taking a big step towards success.

And remember it is regretful if you choose to be a failure, when you have the ability not to be one.

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Making fun of you

If someone wants to make fun of you, he will find all the way to do so. Instead of trying your best to prevent him from making fun of you, make fun of him also. 

Since he wants to make you as his entertainment, you should also make him as your entertainment. 

To be able to do the same back to the joker will help to increase your courage, as often you tend to think too much of the consequences, which prevents you from fighting back. And when you choose to remain silent, you will feel like a loser, and that joker will feel that you have given him the consent to continue to make fun of you. Tell yourself that you don’t deserve to be treated this way. 

Therefore, fight back when needed, in order to stop his mocking. And in fact, being able to fight back will also let you earn the respect of others around you. At least they won’t see you as a coward. 

However, when fighting back, do it in a calm and mature way, don’t do it in anger, if possible. 

This to keep the environment less hostile, as anger often cause displeasure to the bystanders. Remember you want the bystanders to support you in fighting back, and not against you. Control of anger is also a strength that people admire.

If you do not fight back and once others see you as a coward, they will instead take advantage of you from time to time.

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