If you only make a few mistakes in your life. Then it is either that you are a perfect and intelligent person, or you have yet to experience life to its fullest.
Mistakes are part of life, when you come into contact with new things and people.
Never be afraid of these mistakes. Instead, learn from them and you will grow.
As with mistakes, come experiences which will help you to make wiser decisions in your life ahead.
And most importantly, never forget about the mistakes you have made, and end up repeating the same mistakes, again and again. Which will only make your life miserable.
Sometimes, the reason another individuals are more successful than you is not because they are more capable. But because they have made more mistakes than you and they remember the mistakes that they have made in the past, that why each decision they make are more mindful and knowledgeable as compared to yours.
Treat every mistakes as a learning opportunity, and you will realize all these mistakes can be tackled with relatively easier, due to the passion you have. Be dreadful about them and try to ignore, you will soon realize that all these mistakes will start to pile up to collapse onto you.
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