Thursday, August 29, 2019

Facing problems

No matter if we are rich or poor, everyone has problems that we need to face in our daily life. 

And there are times that these problems can be so overwhelming that we feel like giving up, run away and just let the problems settle by itself. Yet, such actions result in undesired outcome that we will regret, haunting us for the rest of our life. 

When facing a problem, the first right attitude that we should have is never to view the problem is unsolvable. As once you have this mindset in the beginning, you will never be able to come out with any creative solutions. Instead this mindset will only lead towards thinking for ways of failure and blaming others for your misfortune, 

If such problem is tricky yet do not really concern your future, you can try to push the problem to others, provided you have the cold-blooded mentality to do so. I can assure you, this behavior is very common in the workplace, and often it is an acceptable behavior; as long as you won’t feel sin in doing so. 

If you happen to be the kind soul, then you will have no choice but to solve the problem by yourself. As being kind, mean that even if you manage to push the problem to others, you will still end up feeling bad and blaming yourself for being evil. 

However, if such problem is something personal and will affect your career or future, then don’t push it to others when it is so important. For problem that is important, you have to take full responsibility in solving it. As only by solving it completely, then in exchange you will have a better tomorrow that you be looking forward to. 

Running away or denying the existence of a problem will only let you end up with a dreadful life ahead. 

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