Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is democracy workable in today's society?

Is democracy workable? It does give the people more power as compared to the era of monarchy, but it is enough to create a society of fairness and justice?

In my personal opinion, the answer is no. 

Democracy separate the main power of a country into three, which are the a) Legislature, b) Executive & c) Judiciary. Each serve their own purpose to create a balance of power.

Among the 3 power the legislature and the executive are often being voted into power by the people, this however will vary between countries. 

Other than the 3 main power, there is also another soft power that had direct influence on the balance of power, and this is the media, who provide information to the people.

Yet often in most countries, the media are being often being controlled by the rich and powerful for spreading of new that is favor of them and blocking information that is unfavorable.

Most voters often vote out of emotions or greed, with only a few voters vote intelligently for the future of the country, as not all bother to think deeply into difference issue that the country is facing. They prefer rewards to be given immediately to them or they just want a channel to vent out their anger. 

Media, just want to earn money through their advertisements and to stay out of unnecessary troubles, after all, it still goes down to making enough profit. 

There is not real institution that truly educate the people on how the countries should be government and how their votes should be casted for the right cause. Neither is there a full disclosure of how politicians are cooperating with the rich and powerful to harm the people, through the passing of certain bills and laws, and even if there is, such disclosure will be silent by others or be forgotten by the people. 

With a lack of true information from the media to educate the people, and the enthusiasm of the people to participate in politics, democracy in today's society is just a mere playground, where the votes of the people are just bargaining chip between the voters, politicians and the rich and powerful, in their contest of power to rule the country. Rather than a true check and balance to guide the country towards a fair and just society. 

It just about satisfying the desire of the majority of the voters by the politicians, and in exchange, the politicians will use the power they have to demand benefits from the rich and powerful, and the rich and powerful will profit against the people through their companies. 

It a vicious cycle of greed that will ultimately lead the country toward destruction. 

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