Monday, September 9, 2019

Social position and thinking

The social position and role you are in, decide what you will be thinking, how you will behave, and the perspective of your views and opinions. 

In order to communicate well with others, you must first understand the different roles and social position that you and others have in life, so to be aware of each other’s priorities, values, abilities and concerns. 

If others do not feel that you understand them, why will they be willing to communicate with you about their life? Instead, they will only chat with you out of courtesy, to pass time or to gossip.

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Displacement of anger

This is a society where individuals often displace their anger to the weaker parties. As shifting displeasure away from themselves and the person causing the stress, to a less threatening target, in some situations, seem to be a more “mature” and "safe" thing to do. 

As long as they can vent their angers, nobody will really care about the emotions stress that the weaker parties suffers.  Most will only feel that the weak deserve it, simple because they are weak and in a lower social class, and that this is the law of the human society. 

Therefore, one has to be strong, so that you won’t end up becoming a rubbish bin for the society to throw their anger into.

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Words and actions

A gentle reminder in life. 

Naive and honest individuals believe in a person through his words. Experience and intelligent individuals believe in a person through his actions. 

Actions speak louder than words. 

In life, we should always trust someone with some reserve in our heart. This is to protect ourselves, as it takes a lot of time, interaction and effort to fully understand a person. Fully trusting a person too early will let you end up being hurt by them. 

Don’t put your full trust on someone just because he is smiling, or been sweet talking to you, or been making you feel guilty for not trusting him. Put your full trust only on individuals that had proven themselves through their daily actions. 

Talk is just too cheap to be traded for trust.

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Mistakes in life

If you only make a few mistakes in your life. Then it is either that you are a perfect and intelligent person, or you have yet to experience life to its fullest. 

Mistakes are part of life, when you come into contact with new things and people. 

Never be afraid of these mistakes. Instead, learn from them and you will grow. 

As with mistakes, come experiences which will help you to make wiser decisions in your life ahead. 

And most importantly, never forget about the mistakes you have made, and end up repeating the same mistakes, again and again. Which will only make your life miserable. 

Sometimes, the reason another individuals are more successful than you is not because they are more capable. But because they have made more mistakes than you and they remember the mistakes that they have made in the past, that why each decision they make are more mindful and knowledgeable as compared to yours. 

Treat every mistakes as a learning opportunity, and you will realize all these mistakes can be tackled with relatively easier, due to the passion you have. Be dreadful about them and try to ignore, you will soon realize that all these mistakes will start to pile up to collapse onto you.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ability or confidence?

There are people who are unsuccessful in life because they are not capable. 

And there are also people who are unsuccessful in life because they told themselves that they are not capable. 

Ask yourself, which group of people do you belong to? 

The first group need to learn new skills and gain more experiences in life. 

While the second group just need more confidence and respect for themselves. 

Understand what you truly need and you will be taking a big step towards success.

And remember it is regretful if you choose to be a failure, when you have the ability not to be one.

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Making fun of you

If someone wants to make fun of you, he will find all the way to do so. Instead of trying your best to prevent him from making fun of you, make fun of him also. 

Since he wants to make you as his entertainment, you should also make him as your entertainment. 

To be able to do the same back to the joker will help to increase your courage, as often you tend to think too much of the consequences, which prevents you from fighting back. And when you choose to remain silent, you will feel like a loser, and that joker will feel that you have given him the consent to continue to make fun of you. Tell yourself that you don’t deserve to be treated this way. 

Therefore, fight back when needed, in order to stop his mocking. And in fact, being able to fight back will also let you earn the respect of others around you. At least they won’t see you as a coward. 

However, when fighting back, do it in a calm and mature way, don’t do it in anger, if possible. 

This to keep the environment less hostile, as anger often cause displeasure to the bystanders. Remember you want the bystanders to support you in fighting back, and not against you. Control of anger is also a strength that people admire.

If you do not fight back and once others see you as a coward, they will instead take advantage of you from time to time.

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Friday, August 30, 2019


Sometimes, it is not about how long you are willing to wait. But it about if you will ever going to get what you are waiting for? If not, no matter how long you wait, it is pointless. 

It the same logic as waiting for a boat in an airport, it will never come. 

Life is too precious to be spent waiting in vain. We have to move on in life, in order to live it to the fullest, rather then bathing it in disappointment. 

Therefore, if you are currently waiting for someone or something to come into your life, then give a week of time for it to see if you will get what you are waiting for. 

At the end of each week, reconsider again if you are still going to continue to wait, or to give up waiting, or to take actions and make what you desire for happened. 

But never to waste time for nothing. As what you get in the end will be regret.

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The 3 types of staff that the company values

Business is about making profits. No matter how kind heart and forgiving your boss can be, there is still a limit for all things, that is determined by the revenue and cost associated with the staff.

If you want to be of value to your company, you have to strive to be one of the 3 types of staff below:
  • One with professional knowledge and skill - who ensure the smooth operation of the business activities, and solving all technical issues
  • One with creativity, capable of thinking of new ways of doing things - who ensure innovative, enhancing the business operation
  • One who can manage people - who is capable of solving personal conflicts, getting people to work together and developing the potential of others
If you do not belong to the above 3 types of staff, then you are most probably being classified as a disposable worker, who will be the first in line for disposal when needed, especially during financial crisis.

The business world is a cruel and realistic environment.

Always bear in mind that your worth to the company, is decided by the amount of revenue and benefits you bring to the company, and the cost of employing you. Never forget that the company has no obligation to ensure your survival in the society.

Although, you may be one, both or all of the above 3 types of staff, there is still one more criteria you have to achieve before your boss will truly value you. And that is honesty

As your boss is a businessman, he will wish the company can run smoothly on its own, with little of his interventions. Therefore, he needs someone he can trust to manage the company, so that he can free his time for other matters.

And honesty will be the primary element for him to decide if he should promote you as one of the management. As why will he promote a dishonest person who will spoil or steal his business?

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Time wastage

The most precious thing that a person can waste is time. As you only live once. Yet in this society, not many know and value the importance of time. Majority just waste their time meaninglessly and regret it at the later part of their life. 

Ask yourself, have you start to regret wasting part of your time already? And if you are confident that at your moment, you are able to tell yourself that you do not have much regret in how you have spent your time?

Prevent yourself from losing precious time that could have been used to create meaningful moments, is the most important thing that you should achieve while living. If not your life never be live to the fullest. 

Remember, the most successful and happiest people are often those who can manage their time efficiently. Knowing what their priorities and goals are, and having the determination and self discipline to say no to the difference temptations in their surrounding, while utilizing their time and efforts towards the direction they want their life to be in.

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The strong and the weak

It is a social norm that most people only feel obligated to help those who they feel are superior to them. As for those who they feel are inferior to them, they will want them to continue to be a failure, so that they can comfortably know there is always someone who is more lousy. This is an undeniable human nature, where we prey on the weak and respect the strong. 

No one likes to be the last in line and no one likes to be overtaken in life or in social status. Hence, most people will try their best effort to undermine those who they have already identified as being “weak”, limiting the respects, resources, and opportunities that the “weak” could get, so to maintain status quo and keep them in line. 

Therefore, convince others that you have a strong mindset, willing to take up the challenges and conflicts, willing to compete with others and willing to strive for improvement in life. And everyone will by default feel obligated to help someone as strong as you, as they will not classify you as a weakling that need to be kept in a lower social status. Instead, they will treat you as a companion to work together and strive for success. 

If you show a sense of weakness to others, people will only feel obligated to pull you down and step on you for their own success or entertainment. As by default they will put little or no worth in you. 

This how dirty the human society is, grouping people into different social status and classes, with different types of restrictions, unfair treatment and bias. 

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Standard steps in dealing with a problem

Below are a guideline for basic steps an individual should follow when facing a problem in life. 

Step 1
Stay as calm as possible and control all your emotions. Do not overreact as it will prevent your brain from thinking properly, which in turn cause you to make the wrong decision. 

Don’t let your mind be overwhelmed or feel anxious when challenged by others. And never went around blaming others without any grounds or solid evidence, as it is counterproductive and can even cause further unwanted issues. 

Step 2

Understand the roots and causes of the problems. And determine if it is really your fault and if you should be taking responsibility. 

Always bear in mind that there are always people around you who will push their mistakes and problems to you, while you are unaware of the situation or lack of critical information. Identify if the problem is a setup by other or it is really your mistake. 

If it is a setup, then return the problem back to the culprit. If it is too late or due to certain circumstances that you are unable to do so. Then always bear it in your mind, that this bastard has makes use of your trust and taken advantage of you. Label him as an untrustworthy person, and never trust him fully, so that he has less chance of hurting you again. 

Step 3 

If the problem is really due to your mistake, bravely accept responsibility for it. As only by accepting responsibility, then will you be willing to actively and constructively deal with the problem. 

And by accepting responsibility, it also allows you to have more options in how you can solve the problem.

Deny responsibility when it is obviously your fault, will only let other detest you and limits the amount of help you can get. 

Step 4

Determine if a quick solution or a slow solution is needed to solve the problem. Some problems required a quick solution as it will get even more problematic, if the problem is not solved as soon as possible. 

However, there are some problems that do not require a quick solution, as a quick solution can instead cause even more conflict and displeasure among different parties. For this type of problem, a slow and unresponsive solution will be better. As it either aim to slowly untangle the problem bit by bit, or to just drag and drag the problem, till it solve itself. 

Step 5

To discuss with others on the solution you have come out with. It is important to discuss the solution you have before implementing it, the knowledge and experience of the other parties can help you identify the pros and cons of your solution. And with it, you can better assess the consequences of implementing your solution and if there a need to rethink again. 

Step 6

Have faith in yourself. Once you have decided on the solution. Carry it out with confidence, as your confidence shall determine the trust that others are willing to put in you. If you don’t not show much confidence, not much people will be willing to assist you, and this will in turn jeopardize the success of your solution. 

Step 7

Keep your expectations realistic and evaluate the outcome of the solution. Determine if the problem has been solved, or sequences follow up is needed. 

Step 8

Set reminder for yourself never to repeat the mistake again. As making a new mistake creates new learning opportunity and experience, but repeating the same mistake again is pure stupidity. 

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Missed opportunity

In life, there are moments and people that once you missed out on them, you will never have the opportunity again. Therefore, cherish all the opportunities you have in front of you. 

As in the end of our lifetime, we only regret the chances that we could have taken, yet didn’t.. 

In order to ensure that we minimize the amount of missed opportunity in your file, we would need to develop within ourselves the below priorities, mindset, character and skills.

To develop a form of awareness in identifying all the opportunity around as. Understanding the cost and potential in each of our action taken. This will require experience through constant interaction with others.

To understand and know the different groups of people around you, and learn from them what is it they would want for you. And it will give you a better idea if their actions toward you are sincere. There is always a “why” for each action.

To recognize what is it that you really want in your life? As only opportunities that can get you to your desired goals matters. We have limited time, therefore, we should only spend it on opportunities that can lead us towards our goals. Such goals can be: the relationship you want to have, the career you want to work in, the car you want to own, any dreams or self development and etc.

To read up for knowledge and information of the society and environment that help us determine if what that is present to us is an opportunity or a scam. As among the society, there are tricksters who use dreams and goals to bait you into their scam, so as to trick money out of you.

To develop the ability and personality that is required to take the opportunity. Opportunities often appear out of the sudden, and only those who are prepared can grab hold on it. After all, it all go down to what you can give, in order to trade for the opportunities. If you are not capable for the task, opportunity will just turn away from you, simply because that you are not worthy of it.

To reflect on your past mistakes. Identify all the regret that you have on the past missed opportunities, and find out the cause of it. And make sure that you do not repeat them again.

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Learning from your job

The most valuable wealth is not about the amount of salary that you can get from your job. 

The greatest wealth you can get from your job is the amount of knowledge that you can learn, and the opportunity available for you to develop yourself. 

This is especially true for those who are just starting to work. As even if you get a higher salary from your peers when you first started working, but without the opportunity to develop yourself and gain more experience and learn new things, your salary will remain stagnant, and you most probably won't have the chance to a much higher paying job in the future, due to your limitations of skill set.

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Is democracy workable in today's society?

Is democracy workable? It does give the people more power as compared to the era of monarchy, but it is enough to create a society of fairness and justice?

In my personal opinion, the answer is no. 

Democracy separate the main power of a country into three, which are the a) Legislature, b) Executive & c) Judiciary. Each serve their own purpose to create a balance of power.

Among the 3 power the legislature and the executive are often being voted into power by the people, this however will vary between countries. 

Other than the 3 main power, there is also another soft power that had direct influence on the balance of power, and this is the media, who provide information to the people.

Yet often in most countries, the media are being often being controlled by the rich and powerful for spreading of new that is favor of them and blocking information that is unfavorable.

Most voters often vote out of emotions or greed, with only a few voters vote intelligently for the future of the country, as not all bother to think deeply into difference issue that the country is facing. They prefer rewards to be given immediately to them or they just want a channel to vent out their anger. 

Media, just want to earn money through their advertisements and to stay out of unnecessary troubles, after all, it still goes down to making enough profit. 

There is not real institution that truly educate the people on how the countries should be government and how their votes should be casted for the right cause. Neither is there a full disclosure of how politicians are cooperating with the rich and powerful to harm the people, through the passing of certain bills and laws, and even if there is, such disclosure will be silent by others or be forgotten by the people. 

With a lack of true information from the media to educate the people, and the enthusiasm of the people to participate in politics, democracy in today's society is just a mere playground, where the votes of the people are just bargaining chip between the voters, politicians and the rich and powerful, in their contest of power to rule the country. Rather than a true check and balance to guide the country towards a fair and just society. 

It just about satisfying the desire of the majority of the voters by the politicians, and in exchange, the politicians will use the power they have to demand benefits from the rich and powerful, and the rich and powerful will profit against the people through their companies. 

It a vicious cycle of greed that will ultimately lead the country toward destruction. 

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Facing problems

No matter if we are rich or poor, everyone has problems that we need to face in our daily life. 

And there are times that these problems can be so overwhelming that we feel like giving up, run away and just let the problems settle by itself. Yet, such actions result in undesired outcome that we will regret, haunting us for the rest of our life. 

When facing a problem, the first right attitude that we should have is never to view the problem is unsolvable. As once you have this mindset in the beginning, you will never be able to come out with any creative solutions. Instead this mindset will only lead towards thinking for ways of failure and blaming others for your misfortune, 

If such problem is tricky yet do not really concern your future, you can try to push the problem to others, provided you have the cold-blooded mentality to do so. I can assure you, this behavior is very common in the workplace, and often it is an acceptable behavior; as long as you won’t feel sin in doing so. 

If you happen to be the kind soul, then you will have no choice but to solve the problem by yourself. As being kind, mean that even if you manage to push the problem to others, you will still end up feeling bad and blaming yourself for being evil. 

However, if such problem is something personal and will affect your career or future, then don’t push it to others when it is so important. For problem that is important, you have to take full responsibility in solving it. As only by solving it completely, then in exchange you will have a better tomorrow that you be looking forward to. 

Running away or denying the existence of a problem will only let you end up with a dreadful life ahead. 

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Everything can be sold

This is a world where everything can be bought and sold for a price. The only matter is to find the parties who is willing to do the trade. 

This is an important concept that you must have in life. 

Having it open your minds to look for various opportunities in your surroundings for potential business entrepreneurship. And it lets you to be wary that there are people who are willing to give up their souls for money, using it for your advantage or to be cautious of others from harming you. 

Stop saying that this or that cannot be so, but instead think of how can I sold this and why people will buy this for you. And once you have the answer for certain products or services, a fortune will be your for the taking.

While brainstorming, you will come out with both ethical and unethical ideas in selling, and it is normal. 

Whether you will do it in an unethical way will depend on your belief in life, and the risk you willing to take in facing law enforcers. However, as an advice in life, don’t do things unethically if you have the ability not to do so.

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Bullying - the sickness within the society


Bullying is negative social behaviour that majority will agree to when in is to their self interest to do so.

Only a few have the courage and righteous in their heart to fight for the weak. 

The 4 types of bullying

The bullied normally execute the below 4 action when bullying other, verbally and physically

  • Threatening and causes fears to the victim
  • Spreading rumors, leaving someone out on purpose and shaming the victim
  • Forbidding or hindering the victim in his daily life
  • Stealing of benefits or pushing problems to others

The consequence of bullying

  • Resulting in a cultivation of an unfair environment in the society
  • Causing psylocially disturbance to the victims thinking and character
  • Resulting the society unable to have a fair yielding of rewards and a fair disbursement of wealth and benefits with the society
  • Interrupt the smooth operation of the society

The reason of bullying

  • The bully see it as a form of entertainment and entitlement
  • To control the victim and the surrounding crowd and environment by instilling fear
  • To steal benefits and credits from the victim

Society turning a blind eye

  • Majority of the society often turn a blind eye to it, as long as it does not affect their own self interest.
  • Majority want to avoid conflicts and also fear of revenge by the bullies.
  • Peer pressure also contribute for individuals to ignore the event, as they also do not want to be bullied.
  • The weak are often left on their own to defend themselves, unless a higher authority intervene into the matter.
  • The end result is that the bullies often stand to gain from bullying, as often the weak just suffer in silence with no help. And even when higher authority intervene, the bullies are often given a much lighter punishment as compare to the suffering that they have caused to others.
  • This disgusting action should have been stopped long ago, yet the generations of humanity consent in silence for it existence

You are not alone

The victim often that they are alone, as they are the weakest among their peers. However, around the world, bullying happened to everyone as long as their are interest and benefits in concern. 

Grow stronger

The only way for you to be free from bullying is to grow strong and retaliate, as retaliation is the only language that the bully understand that they need to stop.

If you do not grow strong and retaliate, no one in the society will give you the respect that you deserve. As it the common belief within the society that the weak brought it to themselves for being weak.

There are still kind souls around, in the society, but not all will really go all out to fight for justice on your behalf. As you yourself are responsible for your own justice.

Everyone in the society have their priority in fighting and earning for their own benefits. Therefore, we need to grow up and fight with others for our own rightful justice and benefits.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Accumulation effect of time

Accumulation effect of time

How you spend your time now, will decide what you will become in the future. Spend your time in building friendship, and you will be surrounded by the people who care for you. Spend your time in studying, and you become a professional in a particular skill set or knowledge. Spend your time lying down meaninglessly in your bed, and you will have a meaningless life. 

The life that you will have in the future, is the result of the accumulation of the time that you have spent in each area, in the past and in the present. 

Be aware that time is the currency of life!!! 

You spend it in order to get the things you want in the future. Therefore, spend it wisely, as time will continue to flow pass through at every moment, even if you are doing nothing. 

Don’t yourself end up living a life that you do not wish for, and a painful regret that is to be brought into your grave with you.

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Entrepreneurship is about problem solving

Entrepreneurship is about problem solving

For individuals who is keen an entrepreneur and start a business, always remember that being an entrepreneur means to constantly be on the lookout for problems that can be turned into opportunities, and finds creative ways to leverage onto them using the limited resources at their disposal. 

You can start a business based on your passion, as passion is the primary sources of energy that will give you the motivation to operate your business in joy and happiness. 

However, creativity and problem solving are the main factors that differentiate your business from other competitors, giving the consumer the reason why they should spend their money on you and even pay you more. 

The competitive edge of your business is directly proportional to the quantity and quality of the solutions you provide to your consumers. 

Therefore, never start a business being blinded with passion, yet without considering the problems that the business can help to solve. Chances are, you will fail very soon, due to the saturation of the market, as business with little or no competitive edge won’t last.

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